Big Charity Drive February 2018

Your donations make this happen! Contributions come in many forms: time, money, space, references and word of mouth. Above all, we thank God to have given you the courage to place your faith in our vision and passion. Your support is much appreciated. Feel free to contact us via email or our social media channels. To make a financial contribution use the Donate button at the top of the website.
The event was held on February 10th, 2018 in the Villages of La Cuenca in the Cangrejal River. We were blessed with helping 50 families with food provisions. A total of 225 people (including children) received doses of dewormers; this is an essential factor in this area given that water purification is not optimal. An afternoon in the mountains made us feel a comfortable feeling of solidarity and hope.
Your donations make this happen! Gifts come in many forms: time, money, space, references and word of mouth. Above all, we thank God to have given you the courage to place your faith in our vision and passion.
Join our family of volunteers click here and send us a message on facebook!
Your support is much appreciated. Feel free to contact us via email or our social media channels. To make a financial contribution use the Donate button at the top of the website.